39 Ways to Take Care of Your Future Self

By Patrick Wilson

If you’re anything like me, you have a flurry of thoughts swirling somewhere in the back of your head—ones that whisper their contents inconveniently as you’re trying to sleep or sit and relax. They’re the voices you shush as you pick up your book or flick on the TV.

Not that you should heed their every intonation, but some of these thoughts are possibly (probably?) necessary to-dos that you’ve been putting off for years. Or maybe things you’ve always wanted to do or try. Others might be creative ideas you should maybe take a stab at; maybe they’ll make your day-to-day a little bit smoother.

Here’s a list of thoughts like this and maybe some new ones, too. The thing these all have in common is that your future self, whether tomorrow’s or the one you’ll meet a decade or so from now, will thank you for doing them now.

Do you have any ideas to add to the list?