Garden of Earthly Delights

By Patrick Wilson


At the three-tiered Giardini del Belvedere, a group of formal gardens at the papal palace at Castel Gandolfo, the second level hosts sunken koi ponds and a fountain where classical aquatic deities fill a trio of niches.


A balcony overlooks the hedge-enclosed Piazzale Quadrato, at whose center sits an equestrian statue of Septimius Severus, the last emperor to use the ancient Roman villa that once stood here.


On their visits to Castel Gandolfo, popes John Paul II and Benedict XVI would often pause in the Giardino della Madonna, in front of a 20th-century statue of the Virgin Mary.


The first tier of the Giardini del Belvedere features perfectly pruned parterres punctuated by colorful flowers.


A Roman figure occupies a niche in one of the iris-planted grottolike pools of the nymphaeum—a vestige of the ancient imperial villa—that today forms one side of the Viale dei Ninfei.


Cypresses surround the citrus garden’s potted orange and lemon trees and filigreed parterres.