Ones to Watch: Catherine Kwong

By Patrick Wilson

Prior to founding her San Francisco studio, Catherine Kwong Design, three years ago, this rising talent was able to learn the business and refine her sensibility at the firms of interiors guru Paul Vincent Wiseman and AD100 decorator William Sofield. She also did a stint at Ralph Lauren conceiving retail settings. “I’ve had the privilege of working for some of the best designers in America,” Kwong says, adding that among her most indelible takeaways was “a deep respect for materials and craftsmanship”—something that’s consistently reflected in her expanding portfolio of residential and hospitality projects. Kwong’s keen interest in modern architecture informs her inviting yet disciplined interiors, where the subtlest nuances sing. “Every detail is examined, every gesture intentional,” she says. Her spaces are a sophisticated mélange of graphic patterns, sculptural furnishings (often offbeat vintage finds), eye-catching contemporary art, and glamorous touches such as dressmaker window treatments. The overriding vibe is always one of effortless élan. “Our clients want rooms that are elegant but with a bit of an edge,” Kwong says. “And that gives us an incredible opportunity for creativity.”

For more information go to catherinekwongom.