There’s Only One Way to Celebrate a Fun Holiday Like Today (And Yes, Today is a Holiday)

By Patrick Wilson

Apartment Therapy Weekend Projects is a guided program designed to help you get the happy, healthy home you’ve always wanted, one weekend at a time. Sign up now for email updates so you never miss a lesson.

If kids get a Yes Day , don’t grownups also deserve a day where they can let loose, have fun, and put responsible adulting on pause for just a little bit?

You’re in luck, because there is such a day, for anyone lucky enough to be caught celebrating it: National Just Because Day , on Aug. 27. It’s just one of those zany holidays that gives you a reason (not to be confused with an excuse) to do certain things, like post a million pictures of your siblings or pets on social media, or pick up a dozen donuts.

National Just Because Day puts some fun and frivolity back on the map of days that can too easily become rote. And there are bigger reasons to shake up the norm: Doing things that are out of the ordinary creates memorable moments and can even slow down your experience of time .

This weekend you’re going to pick one or a few things to do, just because:

This Weekend: Do something just because.

This weekend is going to be so fun, and could be one you’ll remember for a long, long time. Not because of something huge, but because of one purposeful choice to live intentionally. Here are some ideas to get you started on what you can do “just because”:

Weekend Projects

You can catch up with weekend projects right here . Share your progress with us and others by posting updates and photos on Instagram and Twitter with the hashtag #atweekendproject .

Remember: This is about improvement, not perfection. Each week you can either choose to work on the assignment we’ve sent you, or tackle another project you’ve been meaning to get to. It’s also completely okay to skip a weekend if you’re busy or not feeling the assignment.