These are the Best Houseplants for Every Zodiac Sign

By Patrick Wilson

Choosing the right houseplant for your space isn’t exactly a science. Also not a science? Astrology. But much like covering your apartment in greenery, exploring what your zodiac sign might reveal about your personality is a ton of harmless fun (for not a ton of money).

We’ve taken the joy of mapping sun signs to their houseplant counterparts based on the traits of both the plants and the personality that will be caring for them. Whether you’re a zodiac sign skeptic or someone who decodes natal charts for their friends at brunch, we think anyone could use an excuse to bring another plant home.

Aries (March 21 to April 19)

An independent—and sometimes impatient—Aries will get along great with a houseplant where you can sort of forget it’s there. A forgiving ZZ plant fits the bill perfectly. ZZs truly thrive on neglect, so you two self-sufficient souls can exist in your apartment together without cramping each others style.

Taurus (April 20 to May 20)

Nobody knows devotion like a Taurus, so you’re actually the perfect zodiac sign to take on a fickle fiddle leaf fig . You’ll make it your job to pamper it and create the perfect environment for your tree to thrive, so it can pay you back with beautiful foliage (and enviable Instagrams).

Gemini (May 21 to June 20)

A social butterfly like a Gemini loves to have people over. Instead of buying cut flowers for every party or drop-in on the calendar, save yourself some money and pick up a flowering houseplant. If you’ve got good bright light, an African violet will stay in bloom almost constantly.

Cancer (June 21 to July 22)

Cancers, both a water sign and a natural nurturer, will want plants that become part of their routine. An air plant is the perfect fit—leave it in a beautiful bowl or terrarium (your homey sign will love the charm it brings to your space) and give it a light mist each morning as you get ready.

Leo (July 23 to August 22)

Leo’s regal energy is a magnet for everything—people, children, games, projects. So you’ll find a good match in an equally captivating houseplant. Bring home a polka dot begonia and you just might find that your friends and houseguests gravitate to its dramatic spotted leaves as much as they do to your dramatic, creative self.

Virgo (August 23 to September 22)

Your practical, analytical Virgo sign means you have an unmatched attention to detail, so you might love an expressive plant that can show you how it’s feeling. A monstera adansonii plant can be pretty picky—they like bright light, as long as it’s not too direct, and they love moist soil and humid air, but hate to be left soggy. But you’ll love studying your monstera’s particular tastes almost as much as you love doting on others (people and plants alike).

Libra (September 23 to October 22)

Libras are known to love the finer things in life, so any garden-variety (ha!) plant just won’t do. Your relationship-centered sign might like the social lore of the Chinese money plant : Because they grow slowly, they’re not really profitable for nurseries, so most people have to get theirs as cuttings from friends.

Scorpio (October 23 to November 21)

You’re intense and tough, Scorpio, and you expect everyone else to be the same. Your perfect plant is a cactus : protective, trendy and ready to prick you if you cross it. Your cactus can handle a bit of neglect, too, for those moments you’re drawn away to follow a new passion.

Sagittarius (November 22 to December 21)

There is no other sign in the zodiac that’s more apt to travel than the Sagittarius. So you’ll need a houseplant that can handle being left alone with the curtains drawn for two weeks at a time while you take your stints around the world. So pick thyself up a snake plant —they love dry soil and can handle nearly any sort of light condition.

Capricorn (December 22 to January 19)

There’s nothing a Capricorn loves more than success. You need a bit of a challenge, but you also want to know that there’s a great payoff waiting for you at the end. Get yourself a succulent —any type that catches your eye at the nursery—and make it a mission to learn how to propagate them. You have the determination it takes to make your one plant into a dozen so you can live out your plant parent dreams.

Aquarius (January 20 to February 18)

You love to be unconventional, Aquarius, and refuse to play by anybody else’s rules. So you’ll love having a houseplant that grows outside the box, like calathea triostar . They’re highly variegated with cream, green, purple, and pink leaves—meaning (just like you) no two are alike.

Pisces (February 19 to March 20)

As the most chill sign of the zodiac, any Pisces deserves to have a houseplant that’s going to be as easygoing as you are. A string of pearls plant will be selfless, just like you. They need minimal care, even going to far as to weigh themselves down storing water in those pearl-shaped leaves (a perfect match for your water sign) so they can survive during dry spells.