This New Wind Turbine Could Power Japan for 50 Years After One Typhoon

By Patrick Wilson

A typical typhoon produces wind speeds between 98 and 120 m.p.h. and usually leaves behind a trail of destruction. But a Japanese engineer has plans to harness a typhoon’s incredible wind energy and use it to power the nation. Atsushi Shimizu has just invented the world’s first typhoon-powered wind turbine—a roughly 18-foot structure that, with its three distinct prongs, somewhat resembles an egg beater. Don’t be fooled by the simple design, however. According to the Atlantic Oceanographic & Meteorological Laboratory, a mature typhoon can produce a level of kinetic energy equivalent to about half of the world’s electrical generating capacity. That means that after a single typhoon, Shimizu’s invention could power Japan for up to 50 years. Add in the frequency of the country’s typhoons—anywhere from three to seven each year—and the potential for massive quantities of renewable energy is unmistakable.

In the past Japan has used wind turbines from Europe to try to harness a typhoon's energy, but the technology generally breaks during a typhoon. As a result, Shimizu founded the green energy company Challenergy in 2013 with the goal of creating a wind turbine that fit the extreme demands of Japan’s climate. The technology works by allowing the wind to rotate the blades at rapid speeds without losing control of the turbine—an issue with many of the imported technologies. To date, Shimizu’s invention has yet to face an actual typhoon, but the tests have been extremely promising.

And while Japanese authorities are waiting to see how Shimizu’s technology works when the next typhoon inevitably strikes land, the concept is a reason for optimism. Japan currently imports 84 percent of its energy, and Shimizu’s design could go a long way in making the country an energy-independent one.