Architects and designers dish on their New Year’s resolutions for 2015

By Patrick Wilson


Timothy Corrigan

“I have many resolutions that seem to continually roll over from previous years. A new one for 2015 is to start and complete the decoration of my new Paris apartment in a mix of French style from 1760 and 1960. It will be a fun study to see how things changed and remained the same over 200 years.”


Alexa Hampton

“I am once again renewing my resolve to not use moiré. As the Hampton bedtime story goes: David Hicks asked his bright American assistant (Mark Hampton, in London for his junior year abroad at the London School of Economics):

‘Mark, you know the rule about when to use moiré, don’t you?’

‘No, David, I don’t,’ said Mark. ‘When?’

‘Never,’ replied Mr. Hicks.

And so an American family tradition was born.”


Penny Drue Baird

“Go to sleep by midnight. Don’t work 24 hours a day. Spend more time with City Meals on Wheels. Spend even more time in Europe. Help clients unclutter their homes.”


Suzanne Kasler

“This next year for me is all about editing and finding a balance. All the amazing access we are experiencing in this global world to fashion, travel, design, and information is inspiring. But it becomes important as a designer to really focus on editing so that we make the most of all the New Year has to bring.”


Richard Meier

“As we prepare for the completion of our first projects in Brazil, South Korea, and Israel, I look forward to a healthy and productive New Year in New York.”


Shawn Henderson

“My resolution is to visit more museums, especially newer ones that are architecturally significant, like the Clark (pictured) in Williamstown, Massachusetts, designed by Tadao Ando.”


Stephanie Goto

“A great feng shui master once told me to surround myself with something gold. Do you think it would be possible for a lifelong minimalist, who dresses in black and is devoted to all things silver, to go GOLD? 2015 may be the year!”


Vicente Wolf

“To step outside of my design comfort zone and try new things. For example, collaborating with more artists on designs, adding more color, using a range of textures in one room, and so forth.”


Jamie Drake

“I’ve had wonderful opportunities to travel in my life, but I find I often return to the same favorite places: Paris, London, Marrakech. In 2015 my resolution is to explore places I have yet to go but yearn to see: Japan, Scandinavia, China. I'm going to start planning now!”


Miles Redd

“Diana Vreeland famously said, ‘The eye has to travel.’ And with that in mind, I am going to try to see more in 2015. My resolution is to try to take in at least one new exhibition a week, stroll more through the galleries of Chelsea, and to keep refining and educating my eye. There is so much to see in New York alone, but sometimes I get bogged down in day-to-day life and forget to go.”


Juan Montoya

“Design: Finally design and build a teahouse in Swedish style at our country retreat. Personal: Upgrade my social media. Perfect my Brazilian Portuguese. Get an apartment in Stockholm.”


Alexander Gorlin

“Lose weight and charge higher fees!"


John Ike (left): “I’m going classical for my resolution this year: Lose five pounds.”

Joel Barkley (right): “I resolve that the structure of my typical 2015 workday will have the same Vitruvian imperatives of firmness, commodity, and delight as any good piece of architecture. Le Corbusier’s schedule will be my template. Firmness: Wake at 6 to exercise, then breakfast from 7 to 9. Commodity: Hit a creative wall at 2 P.M. to handle calls. Delight: Knock off at 6 to go to a cocktail party. Bed by 11.”

Thomas A. Kligerman (center): “I’m resolving to make 2015 a charitable year. I want to find new ways of giving back—and new groups to give back to.”


Will Wick

“For the upcoming year I’d like to find unexpected approaches to the design process. I’d also like to collaborate more. I’d like to explore more color in my designs. Travel has always been a New Year’s resolution of mine since I was 12. Where to? Morocco. Or Pantelleria (my wife’s favorite spot) or even back to Patmos. I want to see the aurora borealis. Preferably from an ice hotel in some Nordic country. Bucket list, but why not throw it on the resolutions list for this year?”


Thom Filicia

“I resolve to finally finish designing my NYC apartment. I continue to find this personal project at the very bottom of my to-do list, but this year I’m crossing it off. I also resolve to explore interesting materials and finishes with my product, to take on new challenges, and to work on my next book!”


Lee Ledbetter

“I want to spend more time working and relaxing in our gardens (pictured) in 2015. We recently renovated a home that was designed around four courtyards and ancient live oaks and magnolia trees, and the outdoor spaces are filled with opportunities for gardening. I purposely omitted an irrigation system from the renovation to force me to water, and I’ve found the every-other-day routine to be the most contemplative hours of my week. New Orleans’s climate allows for year-round blooming plants and the birds associated with them. As George Bernard Shaw famously said, ‘The best place to find God is in a garden. You can dig for him there.’”


Robert Couturier

“My first resolution is to not allow work and a million obligations to interfere with my curiosity and make me miss all of the art shows in New York. The number of times I have to postpone something because of meetings is staggering. My second resolution is to allow myself to eat more desserts: One cannot live depriving ourselves of all the delicious things in life. They say everything in moderation, and that is something I have never been able to do, so my third and final resolution is to give moderation a try. Which might make my accountant happy.”