Ones to Watch: Hernandez Greene

By Patrick Wilson

Rooms conceived by Katrina Hernandez and Joshua Greene are noted for their warm, masterful mix of patterned fabrics and textured wall coverings. Little wonder: The New York City–based partners both got their start in fashion, and each spent time at Ralph Lauren—she focused on fabrics, he on store design—before they led the interiors division of the AD100 firm Sawyer|Berson. (Greene also worked for AD100 decorator Michael S. Smith.) “We love using different textiles,” Greene says. “But we do it in a way that’s clean and refined.” A serene bedroom they devised for Manhattan clients features a nubby woven-hemp wall covering, velvet and tween upholstery, and cashmere -and-wool flannel curtains, all in soothing grays. “There’s a layering, but also orderliness,” Greene says. The duo’s flair for charismatic combinations extend to furnishings—for instance, a vintage tufted sofa grouped with Chinese altar tables and sculptural bronze lamps by French designer Alexandre Logé. Since founding Hernandez Greene a year ago, they’ve landed projects on both coasts while demonstrating considerable stylistic range. But even as they explore new influences, Hernandez says their sumptuously tailored approach is here to stay, remarking, “Our fashion background will always be key.”

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For more information go to hernandezgreeneom.