The Most Charming Front Doorways in Charleston

By Patrick Wilson

Along with Charleston, South Carolina ’s impressive plantation homes, boutique hotels, and antiques shops, one of local photographer Lucy Cuneo ’s favorite things about her city is something you might not expect: the doorways. “I love photographing doorways here because for me they encapsulate the pride and care people here dedicate to their homes and gardens,” she says. She’s always snapping photos of the most striking façades, and she’s sharing ten of the best here. “Within the historic district, houses are typically quite close together and gardens are very often secret, hidden behind high walls or accessed through alleyways,” she says. “I think that the elegant presentation of doorways with their plantings and architecture is the local people putting a friendly, welcoming, and social face on a design feature that is actually quite private and exclusive.” Visit our Instagram feed to see more of Cuneo’s must-see spots in her hometown.

“There’s no natural stone in Charleston, so often you’re looking at plastered bricks scored to look like stone. It’s beautiful when it starts to wash away, leaving this patina.”

“One of the grander houses south of Broad, this home is framed by an oak canopy.”

“Pastels are an iconic Charleston feature, and these candy-color houses lend a real sense of fun to exploring downtown. I love the mix of white, black, and pink—so smart!”

“I love this brick façade because it feels so European. Creeping fig on brick is a common downtown theme and is very beautiful.”

“This is an amazing grand home that is beautifully maintained, a worthwhile visit on Meeting Street.”

“A simple, smart entrance; I love the combination of the tin planters, black door, and gas lanterns.”

“The largest houses are on South Battery. This one faces the harbor, and you can see a bit of the reflected soft light of sunset in the windows.”

“I love these houses on Queen Street. This red one has such a fun alleyway to the left; the very kind owner actually stepped out when I took this and then apologized for being in the photograph!”

“Love this coral door. This doorway sums up the fun, sunny, but classic Charleston vibe.”

“Rainbow Row is definitely worth a stop. It’s on East Bay south of Broad Street and is one long terrace row of pastel houses and fun color combinations.”